I’m glad you’re here.
I can’t promise it will always be interesting, but it will probably be weird.
Go to the writing stuff.
Click here to go to the blog portion of the site. Will it be a post about sourdough starter or smashing the patriarchy? Who knows.
Why are we here?
Not in the existential sense, you’re going to have to figure that one out for yourself. But the reason we’re here-here is that, well, I want to be able to post things and interact with you without Zuckerberg or the big social media platforms monetizing our time with ads and burying me in an algorithm under something that makes you mad.
I’m not great at website design, but hopefully it’s still a fun place to visit. Keep an eye out for a newsletter soon!

About Us
Family is a big part of my writing, in general. With that comes joy, frustration, belly laughs, pain, boredom, and basically all the feelings that come along with life.
Also, expect to see a LOT of dog photos, food, and friends.

Want to contact me?
Feel free to reach out.